Tuesday, March 16, 2010

10 Things That Make Me Feel Like A Man

10. Pockets and things in them. Wallets, pocket knives, lighters, spare change, keys. Ideally to a motorcycle.

9. Playing soccer. Football is great, but there's a reason futbol is the most-played sport in the world.

8. The one-handed, over-the-head shirt removal. Right hand, grab just below the tag, pull up and over.

7. Grilling. I can't do it myself... But watching others do it. And eating the results.

6. Taking a hit. Bonus points if it's for a good cause. Or if it looked more painful than it was.

5. Beer. Like wine pairings, but better - beer and sports, beer and Chipotle, beer and male bonding...

4. Ultra-efficiency. Everything from fitting all the laundry into a single load to extending the use of a cell phone 6 months by holding it together with duct tape.

3. Sisters. Playing the over-protective yet unconditionally loving & fun older brother is manly. Very manly.

2. Scruff. Generally a 1-2 day growth, 3 or even 4 when you're tan.

1. Urinals. 'Nuff said.

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