So the last post differed from the norm... sorry about that! It was an attempt to win a trip to Cali and try my hand at techno-social media reporting. Didn't quite win, but hopefully the poem was at least somewhat entertaining :)
On to the good stuff...
Had a little free time today and spent it like I typically do - perusing the interweb. Today happened to be a treasure trove day, so I thought I'd share the highlights:
This one is just a random tidbit I found interesting. There's a part of Death Valley called Racetrack Playa, and it's home to sailing rocks - rocks that move across the desert, leaving long trails behind them. And while there are some pretty good guesses as to what causes it (wind, ice, etc) no one has ever actually seen the rocks move! Well, at least according to Wikipedia...
This one is much cooler - this guy named John wrote a little program to change the background on your computer! I know, sounds kinda lame. But wait! It's got all the settings you could ever imagine - automatically change the background each time you log in or every hour, crop the picture or center it to fit, and choose between a single photo or a collage.
My favorite thing about it - you can get the pictures from almost anywhere you can imagine! Folders on your computer, your Flickr or Snapfish account, Google/Bing images, friends' Facebook albums, websites, blogs, search stock photography sites by tag, mix and match... you name it!!
Haven't played around with it too much yet, but it looks awesome. Plus, it's backed by Lifehacker, so you know it's good.
This was my favorite find of the day. It's a blog by a random dude about - yep, you guessed it - things that are awesome. I've read 4 entries so far (he's counting down, currently in the upper 600's), and it's already jumped to the top of my favorite blogs list. Things like finding money you didn't know you had or the last bit of crumbs at the bottom of the chip bag or grass stains or song lyrics written specifically for you. So far everything on the list has lived up to it's name! The writings are funny, sometimes nostalgic, and optimistic but never in a put-on-a-smile-and-fake-it kind of way.
Anyway, hope you're able to experience some joy as well in today's discoveries!
Dude, I can't believe you didn't win that contest. You even used the rare AABBA rhyme scheme! They were probably looking for someone with less heart...