Friday, January 9, 2009

A Novel Tradition

I'm a sucker for books; always have been. Ever since I was a little kid, my grandma has had this tradition where she would give me a gift card to the book store each time I would get my grades. I happened to graduate from college this past spring, making this the first time in as long as I can remember that I wasn't dreading getting my grades back. While the experience was quite liberating, part of me couldn't help reminiscing a bit, thinking back to those joyous times of taking forever to pick out just the right book. For a few fleeting moments, the doorway leading to grad school looked slightly more appealing...

Imagine my surprise when I few days ago I get a card in the mail!! I opened it, and out fell a good old B&N gift card, along with a note:

"Old habits are hard to break. enjoy!"
24 hours later I found myself scouring the shelves.... I found one that looked good and cost the exact amount of the card, so I grabbed it (thanks, Gma D!!). I was out the door 5 minutes later with not one but two books, thankful that Barnes and Noble doesn't have shopping carts.

Time to hit the books...

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