For anyone that's been on Facebook lately, there's this big thing going around where you post 25 things about yourself, and then tag all your friends so they can read them and post their own. Personally, I think it's much more fun reading other people's. So, being the selfish person that I am, and given the fact that this is my blog, here's what we're going to do. Or try to do, I guess... who knows if it'll work?!
I'll start with 10 things about me. Consider it a sort of sacrifice to get things going. Then, for every person that posts a comment sharing something about themselves, I'll post 2 more [edited...see # 31]. So we can basically go on learning about each other forever! Or until I run out of things... I admit, my life can be pretty boring! Oh, and I'll try to match the level of creativity/unknownness (probably not a legit word) of the comment. For example, you post 'i have blond hair', I post 'i have brown eyes'. Or you post 'I have an obsessive habit of only eating ice cream with a spork', I post 'I have a collection of more than 150 different Michael Jordan basketball cards'. Get the picture? Cool!
1. The first one's the hardest, because it sets the tone for the readers for the rest of the list... So I'm going to cheat and skip it!! :P
2. I'm a sugar addict. I know lots of people think/say they are, but I've never met anyone else who has had 11 cavities at one time.
3. I occasionally think about quiting my engineering job to work as a waiter or barista (baristo?? not sure on the masculine form...). Mainly so I could interact with lots more people and to re-pierce my eyebrow.
4. I'm actually a very impatient person. Especially at grocery stores, laundromats, gas stations, and impound lots. Even more especially at impound lots.
5. I'm a romantic, through and through.
6. I work for a company that makes satellite parts. Cool, right?! And yet, my toolbox consists of a ruler and a sharpie. My hardest responsibilities so far could probably be considered intermediate-level origami. Not kidding.
7. Flying is my biggest physical fear. (non-physical fears being failure, loneliness, etc.) I couldn't even name a second... everything else pales in comparison!
8. When given a choice, I prefer eating with smaller forks, spoons, etc. Not really sure why.
9. Sometimes my imagination gets the best of me. Like when I wanted to be like Aladdin so badly that I considered running away from home so I could steal my own food and live on the rooftops. Or when I opened every door in the house (multiple times!), praying that Narnia was real.
10. I once held my breath underwater for 2 minutes and 14 seconds.
11. (don't worry, I didn't actually count the first one) My dream house currently has at least two rooms. First, a giant library, full of books and hopefully ladders on wheels. Then, a Lego room. One where the furniture and wallpaper are themed to match the Lego sets - space explorers hanging from the ceiling, medieval castles in one area, moving Lego robots in another, pirate ships and sunken treasures in the fountain...
- 1/29/09 (Just in case this works and I end up adding more... I'll try to date them all!)
Hm... Erik added 10. alright, my best attempt at 20 more...
12. Swagger by Old Spice is the greatest deodorant known to man.
13. Strawberries are my favorite fruit, followed closely by raspberries and pineapple.
14. A friend and I started a no-pop-drinking contest several (6??) years ago. I've only bent the rules twice.
15. I spend lots of time and effort pretending to be less of a nerd than I really am.
16. In light of # 15, it's hard to admit that computer programming has become a recent passion of mine.
17. I am most easily captivated by music, fire and stars.
18. Therefore I'm rarely happier than at campfires in the middle of nowhere with guitars.
19. I once attended a Switchfoot concert in Willmar, got home at 3am, started packing, and left for the airport at 4 to fly to Florida. One of the best nights of my life.
20. Coffee is my least favorite flavor in the entire world. I've tried to change, but it's just not worth the torture.
21. Sweet pickles are the only other thing that comes close. There are few things as good as a delicious dill pickle, so sweet pickles aren't only bad-tasting, they're an abomination. Mustard and mayo, while very much tolerable, finish off my list of least favorite foods.
22. I've forgotten how much I enjoy taking pictures.
23. I will never own a small dog.
24. I consider soccer and guitar my two purist hobbies - they are two very rare examples of things for which my desire to excel doesn't override my enjoyment of playing.
25. Despite No. 7, I hope to obtain my pilot's license.
26. Boy Meets World was my favorite tv show growing up. Currently I watch Heroes, The Office, sometimes Lost, and recently, Chuck.
27. I also have a hard time coming up with things about me.
28. If given the chance, I will walk in space before I die.
29. French is my favorite language, and I hope to spend part of my life living somewhere that requires me to learn it (well).
30. I won a Read-a-thon in junior high, reading more than 2.5 hours every day for a month straight. I would gladly continue reading that much now if I had the time.
31. I will be changing the rules slightly - I'll share more for each comment posted, but I'm going to set the max at 5! :P That should even things out a bit more...
Ok, first of all...11 cavities?!? What?
ReplyDeleteSecondly, how is your biggest physical fear flying??? I thought you wanted to get a pilot's license! How does that work?
Thirdly, I find it impossible that you held your breath underwater for over 2 minutes. You should have just admitted that you had gills.
Fourthly, Narnia is real, and I think that you should re-pierce your eyebrow. It looked so good on you.
Ok - now I need to share something about order to make you post more.
1) I use strawberry flavored shampoo.
2) I have spent $6 on a can of pop (recently, actually) and considered it totally worth it.
3) I sometimes have a desire to find out what would happen if I threw myself off of a very tall place (I think that's why I'm afraid of heights...who knows what might happen).
4) I really like candles.
5) I have gone directly from an outdoor rock concert to a classical music orchestra concert and thoroughly enjoyed both (though I couldn't hear the second concert very well...)
6) I have become dependent on very tiny cups of coffee.
7) I enjoy trying to associate myself with famous people, and absolutely hate it when other people do the same thing.
8) I have a hard time coming up with interesting things about myself.
9) My dream home looks modest from the outside, but is actually huge.
10) I have an idealized self in my mind like in the Matrix, and not only is he more handsome and athletic than I am, but he can fly.
I am no longer a huge fan of the dentist. I don't have gills, although that'd be sweet! as long as people couldn't see them. If you ever get the urge, don't jump. Think of me instead. Then still don't jump! And I'm glad you live in a Matrix-like world too. Our superhuman idealized selves could be friends! Miss you bud... come home soon!