I woke up late this morning and had to rush to make it in time for breakfast. As it was, I grabbed a muffin just before the tray was taken away and we were politely but firmly directed to the general session.
Today's session included lots of cool things being designed with SolidWorks. One guy runs a company that develops robotic arms to assist in medical surgeries. Cool! They also had the design team from the Discovery Channel show Bionic Builders. The main character in the show is a man who lost his leg in an accident and is now a stunt man in Hollywood. He and his team design prosthetics that let him do awesome things, like have his leg explode, launch himself 10 feet in the air, scuba dive, and even rock climb!!
Not a whole lot to report on classes today... The first presentation was the most applicable so far, but also really boring. The 2nd was more entertaining, as it was led by a dude with a Ph. D. that works at a particle accelerator and tells awesomely nerdy jokes. Smart and funny, a great combination! The last two were decent, but I'm glad to be done for today. Time for another party...
We were stuffed onto the buses and shipped off again, this time to a place called Cowboys Dancehall. The cover band here was much better than the one last night, and so was the food!

Cowboys Dancehall

80's Cover Band
Best yet (probably the highlight of the trip!), they had a rodeo!! A few of my newfound friends and I somehow managed to end up in the press pit - front row seats to the bull riding!

The Press Pit

I could've touched him, but why bother?!

Only 2 riders made the 8-second time limit!
The entire experience felt very, very Texan.

Like this guy's mustache...

Or the American flag and pre-ceremony prayer...

Or every pyro's dream cowboy entrance - flares and USA flames in the dirt!!
After a night packed with festivities, the Riverwalk sounded like a relaxing way to stroll back to the hotel:

The Riverwalk

Jazz Trio
I even found an old friend on the way!

To my front door: 1,253 miles, 0 turns.
Stuffed and exhausted, I arrived back at the hotel and was out in an instant....
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