Day 2 - Packin' it in.
Ouch. Not only is it several hours before I'd normally get up on a Saturday, I've also got blisters on my feet and my calves are killing me! I guess I'll be in better shape for next week's soccer game...
I boarded my first bus with confidence - this time I was going to follow Google's route exactly. It was only when I looked at my next transfer that I realized the error in my ways - the next segment was supposed to be on the dreaded Metra/we-don't-take-your-stinking-passes line! Ugh.
I hopped off the bus and headed for the first non-Metra train station I could find (Lesson #4: the train I can take is called the 'L'. HT:SB). Walking under the L-tracks was a bit of a throwback to my gamer days:

Burnout or San Francisco Rush, anyone?
Anyway, I must've stared at the maps on the wall (I obviously didn't bring my own - Why would I?? I had all my routes printed out already...) for at least 10 minutes, only to discover that the train I finally found to take me where I needed to go didn't come to this stop. Frustrating.
Thankfully, one of the transit workers recognized my distress and offered some help. I walked a quick two blocks, boarded the 3, and stepped off right in front of the doors to the Convention Center. Score! Six days left in Chicago - I will figure out this transit thing before I leave!
Up next:

Finally, what I came here to do - a 2-day course on Computational Heat Transfer. Oh, joy.
The class was promoted all around the world, so it's practically overflowing - 11 students. A guy named Brandon sat down next to me, the only other person in the room taking the class for space applications. We're the youngest two in the room, we both love the TV show Chuck, and we both ate the outsides of our cookies, leaving the soft and gooey part for last. Weird.
When I mentioned what I do, he immediately asked for a business card and whether we do on-site installations... Did I just inadvertently hit a grand slam for our company?? Nice!! Speaking of grand slams, I wonder if I could fit in a Cubs game before heading home...
I pulled out my notes, thankful I double-sided them & printed 2 slides per sheet. Brandon wasn't so lucky:

Deforestation in action.
Maybe halfway through the morning lecture I realized I could really use some Advil. Every now and then a word would pop up from my past that would conjure up all sorts of nasty feelings... 'adiabatic' ... 'dot product' ... gradient field'... I forced down the vomit in my esophagus and for the thousandth time put the humiliation of my Calc 3 & 4 performances behind me. I can do this...
I explored a bit of the Conference Center during break:

I also realized that my backpack is no longer going to cut it, as even the guys there in their jeans appear more professional than me when I've got it on my back:

The casual one-strap look or the better-for-your-back duo, doesn't really matter - there's just something unprofessional about still caring around the same bag I'd put my green trapper keeper in on my way to 7th grade history class. I guess I'll have to upgrade to a briefcase/satchel at some point...
Class went by fairly quickly until around 1:40 - that's when I realized USA was playing Ghana in the Round of 16 and I had no way to watch it! It was probably a blessing in disguise; I was so devastated by the news of the loss, there's no way I could've continued... It's okay, Mr. Donovan, I still love you enough to name at least one of my kids after you. Titus Landon Hamann. Or maybe Brock Donovan Hamann. Brock Titus Donovan?! Hmm... I better spend some time thinking about it...
5:00pm, class is out, followed by my first ever smooth commute. After a quick change of clothes

and a dash of one of my new favorites:

(cologne in a vial rather than the spray-on stuff), it was time to head out on the town. But what to do?? So many choices...

Hmm... Navy Pier seemed like a good destination (I had already forgotten Lesson #1, the enormity of Chicago), since I could hit a few other things on the way. Especially the end of it - I've never made it out that far! With my sites set, I hit the streets. And didn't make it very far before my first distraction:
And of course the Bean followed shortly after,

catching my reflection just to prove that it was actually me taking the pictures. Back on track - to Navy Pier!!
... many, many seconds later ...
I had only made it 2 blocks; that's when I heard a song I recognized (and loved). 'Glycerine' came drifting in faintly from afar, sweetly filling my ears and flooding my mind with memories of high school talent shows and cover bands. Fully expecting to come upon some sort of garage band/street vendor, I just couldn't resist following the music...
Boy was I surprised when I stumbled upon a free Gavin Rossdale (former frontman of Bush, hence, 'Glycerine') concert as part of Taste of Chicago! Awesome!!

They even had Mounties - this city rocks!!
I was pretty proud of the fact that I was stopped twice!! by people to get asked for directions - apparently it's not glaringly obvious I'm a tourist. Although one was a really cute girl that was clearly trying to flirt with me ('Excuse me, do you know where I could find a restroom?' Yeah, like I hadn't heard that before!), so that one probably didn't count for as much non-touristy street cred.
Finally, the last of the distractions. Well, other than the yacht club that's actually on a boat:

and all the things on the pier before reaching the end, like
the Louisiana Baptist All-State Choir

and the Beer Garden.
Finally the end was in sight! I plowed through the last barricade of people that had subconsciously created a wall as a last defense to protect what deep down they knew was the heart of their city, and raced to the edge:


And flags.
A bit of a letdown for the end of a 5.2 mile walk... Oh well. I guess there's nothing left now but to turn around! I grabbed dinner at Harry Caray's and then caught the rest of the Pier highlights:

Ferris wheel,

Wedding crashing in the Crystal Gardens,

a depressing view of my remaining walk home,

and my favorite, an MJ mosaic in the Stained Glass Museum!
The way back included a detour as well - a coworker said I hadn't lived till I'd done Division St, and there's no better time to go than late Saturday night! What's a few more miles?? I'll just hop the bus on the way back...
I hope my guardian angel likes being busy as much as I do, because there were a few stretches between the pier and Division that seemed more like the Grim Reaper's territory than anything else. I made it to Division:

and even passed one of my favorite restaurants on the way.

Hard Rock Cafe
Division wasn't quite my scene, but I got the pic so Dave should be happy! And it wouldn't be right if I didn't get lost on the way home - I still blame all the construction on the tracks. It gets disorienting!
A few last rando's:

Hot Air Balloon

Navy Pier entrance

Under the Bridge (yeah, Chili Peppers!)
It's a little after 2am as I'm getting ready for bed. Tomorrow's gonna come early again. I should probably try getting to sleep earlier tomorrow...
Peace and Gino's East.
To be continued...
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