Friday, April 17, 2009

If I Were a Superhero

I love my job. The people, the work, the office, the income, the trips, pretty much all of it.

But sometimes, there are some slow days. Some very, very slow days.

Kind of like today for example. This week's biggest task was to get a program moved from the laptop to the server. I sent a friend the following account of the experience, and thought some of you might find it a bit entertaining.

It took a few days, a few hundred google searches, quite a few lucky guesses, and a gutsy (read: completely idiotic) risk or two, but I just got it to work!! I'm pretty excited!! :D

In fact, my heart is racing a bit... I should probably calm down, before it overtakes me... the urge.... ugh.... arg... ARRR.....

'Oh no! Run for your lives!! It's...'

THE INCREDIBLE HACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With his amazingly nearsighted vision, his mostly unintelligible speech, and his Pocket Protector of Peace, THE INCREDIBLE HACK roams the network, eradicating viruses and cleaning up registry-malfunction scum, day by day bringing the LAN closer and closer to world peace - a place where software of every legacy may run flawlessly on operating systems of all kinds, and incompatibility issues are a thing of the past.

So if you're ever wondering why I'm quieter than usual or what it is exactly that I'm thinking about, don't worry. It's probably just another delusional fantasy where all of my practical yet totally uncool skills transform me into the most radically awesome being this world has ever seen.

Then again, maybe I'm just bored.

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