Well, November is over and I didn't quite make my goal. Ironically, I joked about getting sick last week in order to have more time to write, and within 24 hours, that wish came true. What I didn't expect was to be too sick, resulting in writing less rather than more!
So while I didn't meet my goals, here's a quick breakdown. 26 posts, or a little less than 1 per day, with an average length of 550 words - slightly longer than this post (~380 words). The grand total came to 14304 words, or 477 words per day. 14k is drastically less than the 50k required for novel status - I have a whole new level of respect for authors! And let's not even start with comparing the quality of those quantities...
The new blog goes up a week from tomorrow. It was a busy month of writing, but now there are a whole lot of other things going on. Finishing the design and layout, creating a post schedule, setting up social media notifications, proofreading, and a billion other things I have yet to learn - html/CSS, comment moderation, managing email subscriptions, browser compatibility, mobile compatibility, properly crediting sources when using images, affiliate links, creating sub-themes, spam prevention... As always, I've got big dreams and high standards. Sometimes a little too big and high - if I'm not constantly remembering to take things one step at a time, it gets overwhelming in a hurry!
It's a little crazy how the closer it gets, the more excited and scared I get. Excited to start something new, to share what I'm passionate about, to give something my all. And scared that this has been a mistake, that I won't meet my own standards, that I'm committing to something I can't/won't want to keep up. I'm starting to realize that this is a natural, even good, mix of emotions - similar to right before a job interview or going skydiving! Still, I'm looking forward to being on the other side. I'm sure it will take a few weeks (or months) to get things running smoothly and fall into a good rhythm. Until then, I'd appreciate any extra grace you'd be willing to share!
See you in a week...
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