Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Wanted: Suggested Readings

I'm looking to add to my reading list and could use a little help...

If you've read anything by or about these guys - or if you'd like to add some names I've surely missed - please pass on your recommendations!

Jonathan Edwards
C. H. Spurgeon
John Newton
Charles Wesley
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Søren Kierkegaard
John Calvin
John Owen
George Whitefield

Attended the Desiring God conference this last weekend and walked through quite possibly the most impressive book store in the world! Probably had something to do with my bent towards historic Christian biographies...

Oh, and I'm open to any other fantastic reads you may have, so feel free to throw those in too!


  1. As a Christian with a calling to the marketplace, I've found "Why Business Matters to God" by Jeff Van Duzer helpful in developing a proper theology of business. He's no A.W. Tozer, but you still may find it useful.

    1. Ben,
      Thanks for the suggestion! I'll have to check that one out. Just curious, how did you arrive at the decision that you are called to the marketplace? It's not a calling I often hear people being sure of!

  2. Existentialism and Calvinism? Are you trying to confuse yourself :) Don't forget Luther and Erasmus. For an early church perspective "Church History" also called "Ecclesiastical History" by Eusebius. He was a historian about the time of Constantine. He attended the council of Nice. Includes a lot of early church history include martyrs and stories I have never heard before!

    GK Chesterton did a nice biography on St Thomas Aquinas.

    Here is a link to the Ante-Nicene fathers volumes. They can all be read online, from Polycarp to Origen to Tertulian:

    I just bought this volume for a good price. I have had an early church history fix lately, currently reading Origen and Irenaeus.

    1. Richard,

      You are a stud of a man! I loved Chesterton's book on St Francis, I should really pick up the one on Aquinas. I was also enjoying Everlasting Man until I left it on a plane... A lot of other good names here - you've single-handedly doubled my list!
